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9 beautiful web forms for free download

Today's Photoshop freebie  is "web form designs". There are 9 different web forms in this download: 3 contact forms, 3 login / sign in forms, 1 comment form and 1 newsletter subscription form. As always, these files come in fully layered .psd format with each form organized in a folder.

As you know, web forms are very important for websites and user interfaces to gather user information. Web forms created with aesthetics and ease of use can appeal users to instantly take action.  Keeping that in mind, I have created these nice, aesthetically appealing web forms, and I hope these will be of some good help to you to design and code forms for your websites and interfaces.

Author: Rafi
File Resolution: 1000 x 2300 pixels (72 dpi)
Format: Photoshop file
Size: 0.99 MB  (zip)

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19 thoughts on “9 beautiful web forms for free download”

  1. Featured this awesome freebie here:
    Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Tamisha Finklea

    This is a fantastic piece about design. I’m a college student just trying to learn more about web design and I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks and I’m looking forward to your next article

  3. Pingback: 115+ Fresh Useful Articles for Web Designers and Developers | tripwire magazine

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  5. Pingback: 9 beautiful web forms for free download :: « Social Computing Technology

  6. Pingback: Social Computing Platforms

  7. Pingback: 9 beautiful web forms for free download ::

  8. Pingback: 9 Beautiful PSD Free Web Forms : Speckyboy Design Magazine

  9. the Success Ladder

    Wonderful site and theme, would really like to see a bit more content though!
    Great post all around, added your XML feed! Love this theme, too!

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