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Excellent color palettes (PSD)

Friends, today's graphic resource is a set of 10 excellent color palettes in PSD format. Each palette has 4 color combinations carefully picked up from various photos and images. Each color has its hex code mentioned under it. I hope you'll love the color combos and be happy to use them in your web design works. Scroll down and download the PSD file of the color palettes.

Preview of the Color Combos

Author: Rafi
File Resolution: 600x1800 pixels
Format: PSD, JPG
Keywords: color combos PSD, color palettes
Size: 0.21 MB  (zip)

Download Color Palettes PSD

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11 thoughts on “Excellent color palettes (PSD)”

  1. Pingback: Paletas de colores para páginas web | Luis Cañada - BLOG

  2. Pingback: Excellent color palettes (PSD) | Speckyboy Design Magazine

  3. Pingback: Excellent color palettes (PSD) | reADactor

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