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Cool New Website Full of Free Templates and Printables

Some of us have this inner voice, whispering things like: “Oh, these two typefaces will look impeccable together” or “Yes, you should absolutely go for these two tonal colors!”. Usually, such folks end up pursuing graphic design professionally.

And the rest of us? We often struggle to make even the simplest piechart look decent. If you ever struggled to create an attractive resume layout, letterhead, or some sort of visual planner, we’ve got just the right resource for you!

SmashingDocs is a brand new design hub, featuring a rapidly growing collection of free templates and printables!

Free Modern Resume Template

Free Templates for Everything — From Meal Planning to Gift Certificates

SmashingDocs is the brainchild of Hertzel Betito. In his own words: he just likes designing things and has been doing so for the past two decades. After holding several agency roles, Hertzel decided to go solo and founded many design-related projects. SmashingDocs is his favorite (but shhh, don’t tell others!).

So what can you find on SmashingDocs?

Over 50 free original templates, you can download in one click and then customize in Word. Think of SmashingDocs as a mix between Canva, where you can design visual content using pre-made elements and purchasing ready-made graphic assets from other designers.

With SmashingDocs, you get a beautifully designed template…but for free 🙂

Ways To Use SmashingDocs Free Templates

Graphic design is a multi-step process.

To effectively convey information, designers first define the task an asset must accomplish. Then research and analyze different best practices for organizing and visualizing information. Once they arrive at a good concept, they create several sketches and validate them with users.

A template helps you skip all of these. You already have the “heavy lifting” done for you. All that’s left is just put your information and add some final touches such as changing font sizes or the overall color scheme. This way you save a lot of time on creating simple design assets.

Here are several fun ways to use SmashingDocs templates in different areas of your life.

Level Up Your Time Management

Ever felt like time is slipping through your fingers? Some days, we all wish for just a few extra hours to power through all the items on our to-do list.

You can get those extra hours if you learn to better plan your time. As Alexis Carrel, Nobel Prize in Medicine, once said:

“The most efficient way to live reasonably is every morning to make a plan of one’s day and every night to examine the results obtained.”

SmashingDocs has a set of amazing printable planners — daily, weekly, and monthly — you can use to put down better plans and then track your progress. Visualizing planned tasks also helps you better remember them, plus instills a sweet feeling of accomplishment when you get them done and cross them off from your list.

Free Printable Workout Tracker Template

Cultivate Better Relationships

Giving credit when credit is due is a fundamental principle of good interpersonal relationships. But few people actually go the extra mile to show appreciation. That’s a shame because gratitude goes a long way. It makes the other person feel happier, more valued, and acknowledged.

Likewise, the research on gratitude suggests a strong association between gratitude and an individual’s well-being. In private life, partners who express appreciation for one another develop stronger, longer-lasting relationships. At work, managers who appreciate and thank their employees frequently cultivate a more motivated and engaged team.

At SmashingDocs you can find a host of free certificates of appreciation and templates for making simple gift certificates.

Employee of the Month Certificate Template

Power Up Your Business with Extra Tools

If you run a side-hustle or own a small business, you probably often design things yourself. Marketing brochures, leaflets, social media promo content, there are a lot of different types of marketing collateral you need to run your ops.

SmashingDocs can help you save time (or money) on making new graphic design assets. The resource offers free:

Free Professional Organization Chart Template

And even more, exciting stuff which you should come and discover yourself at New designs get added almost daily, so check back frequently!

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Do you want to customize your existing design? Or need a new custom design?
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