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Creative resume / CV PSD template (CMYK print-ready)

Friends, today's PSD download is an elegant piece of resume in 2 color variations in Photoshop PSD format ready for print. The basis of the design is to creatively put forward your resume details in a modern way for both readability and legibility.

The resume file comes in fully layered PSD format with each part organized in folders for easy editing of text and graphics. The size of the resume template is 8.5"x11" with 0.125" bleed in CMYK for printing purpose. The fonts used in the design work are Arial and Nevis. Download the resume PSD templates for your next resume project.

Preview of Resume Templates

Author: Rafi
File Resolution: 8.5"x11" 300DPI
File Format: PSD
Keywords: Resume / CV PSD template
Size: 6.53 MB  (zip)

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72 thoughts on “Creative resume / CV PSD template (CMYK print-ready)”

  1. Rafi did a great job. As i am going to use this resume in my university project. Much thanks as it is still beneficial from 10 years.

  2. These are great! I only wish you’d made one that had a blue header and a more overall blue theme. I just feel like blue/dark blue has a very professional feel to it, for some reason. That being said, I love the brevity of this template. Straight and to the point – employers like that!

  3. Awesome CV template. Just to let you know that it has been featured here along with other great free designs:

    1. Hi Atef, just scroll down to the bottom of the post and click the download link to download the file. That’s it.

  4. Hi!!! Good work !!! Am just unable to edit the .psd template. I heard to edit it with CS Photoshop but i dont know how it will , kindly share any Tutorial of editing .psd template.

  5. I love this cv template! Unfortunately I kind seem to figure out how to insert my picture. Anyone who can help? Thanks!

  6. I love this template, it’s brilliant! But I’m having trouble inserting my picture. Could someone explain me how to do this? Thanks a million!

    1. Thanks Ellyot. Yes, you can use it for commercial purpose such as for your client work. Please read the terms of use for more clarification.

    1. Thanks Tracey. Yes, fonts are not included in the pack. You need to download relevant fonts from the web. You can find the fonts on or Good luck!

  7. Hello! Thank you so much for the beautifull design 🙂
    But I am not able to edit it just like shanna before me. And I everything just like Martin says, but nothing happens with the resume 🙁 help!

    1. its a good design n bro I already done editing with it.. and its working just use adobe CS4 atleast to edit it…

  8. Really great template, you saved me a lot of time! I am a graphic designer and I am going to use this as my personal one with a bit of modification. Thanks a lot! 🙂

  9. I like what you came up with. However, the things that disturbs me is that it seems to be catering for those in the design field. If you are a designer, why are you relying on canned, templated designs to sell yourself as a designer? That’s a huge fail, in my opinion, because it not only shows that you are relying on the creativity of someone else and using that person’s work to get a job in the design industry but it also makes me question your design abilities and good thinking skills. For those who are NOT designers or work in the creative field, these are awesome and definitely beat the typical, boring resume. But I think that this is the sort of audience these would be more ideally created for.

  10. Hi — I’m very new to all of this. My strength is with non-technical stuff…but I’ve found myself very interested in the creative/design aspects of marketing. I’d love to understand if someone doesn’t mind helping me. I downloaded and then opened in adobe photoshop, but I have no clue the next steps, i.e., how to edit the document to personalize??? Could someone help me…please?

    1. Hi shanna, i think you need basic understanding of photoshop to clearly undertand the structure of this template

      but if you dont,its quite easy to understand.

      see at the right side of the window,the whole component of this CV are divided into sections, (header,about me,education,skills,etc)

      open a secion that you want to edit
      for example,you want to put your name and your profession at the top of the CV
      open header section,double click on a box with letter ” T ” Inside.
      voila,you can put your name now.

      Hope this helps.

  11. Designs Blessing

    Really excellent colors scheme. I rally like yellow one. its simple and also appealing to eyes.

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  13. Pingback: Creative resume / CV PSD template (CMYK print-ready) « Free PSD Templates | Free Banners, Buttons, Web Elements

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  15. Super design, really awsome looking. Hmm wondering if this design could be used together with Comoto a cv engine, would be cool as a CV template that would be automatically filled in….. with data from you linkedin profile…. Super cool…

  16. Pingback: Creative Resume / CV PSD Template with CMYK » FreebiesPress

  17. Pingback: Creative resume / CV PSD template (CMYK print-ready) | reADactor

  18. Pingback: Creative resume / CV PSD template (CMYK print-ready) | Speckyboy Design Magazine

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  20. Wow, these designs are just beautiful! All I have to do is figure out a creative way to present my resume (though I’m not a graphic designer).

  21. Pingback: Tweets that mention Creative resume / CV PSD template (CMYK print-ready) :: --

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