Have you given your business a responsive website to be visible to all potential customers and provided people who come to your website via mobile phone and tablet with a superior experience? If your answer is “No”, it means that you only thought about people coming to your website via desktop computer and, there’s no nice way to say this – “you shot yourself in the foot”.
Wait a bit. Why is that important at all? You may wonder why did you pay a lot for the website for our company, hired a developer, designer, and copywriter if all that doesn’t matter without a responsive website.
No, no, good content is always the right thing to do. Without exceptions. The trick is just how and where you serve that content to someone. Is it presented in an attractive and concise way or do you force website visitors to manage themselves? And why would anyone struggle to find the information they need on your website when they can easily “click away” to the competition?
Intermediate Steps in Building a Website Without Which It Won’t Be Responsive
Developing powerful dynamic web pages requires using PHP and MySQL database in building websites. The mix of these two items forms one of the most widely used technologies now for developing back-end websites and applications. PHP + MySQL allows you to create dynamic content on your web pages and bring them to life. Because of using them in every different way, they also allow persisting data in the back-end database.
How to build a website, including a mobile-friendly website? Is there more than one way? If you want to make a website that’s fast and reliable, you have two options: through the website builder or using WordPress.
A responsive website allows the content of the website to be displayed in the best way and provides the maximum experience to users who access it via mobile phones. And here, we come to the real question – how do people come to your website, i.e. which device do they use the most? Do they do it via computer, tablet, or maybe via mobile phone?
How to Find Out Through Which Device Users Come to the Website?
There’s more than one way but let’s not complicate the story. To get this information, we’ll use a couple of tools that you certainly already have at your disposal. (In confidence, most people come via mobile phone, but for the next few minutes pretend you don’t know that).
You have a company and you have a website. Logically, you invest in marketing, Facebook/Instagram/Google ads, SEO optimization… all that to bring people to the website and turn them into customers. Otherwise – all your efforts are in vain. OK. This means that all the data you need is already there, a few clicks away from you.
Let’s take one step at a time…
Google Analytics
This method is good if you have a website that’s well SEO optimized or you regularly run advertising campaigns on social networks.
Log in to Google Analytics, select Audience, and then Overview. After that, compare the total number of sessions with the number that came via mobile phones. If you don’t have a responsive website, count on that this is the percentage of potential customers you’ve lost.
Facebook Ad Analytics
Ads on a social network such as Facebook certainly make up a significant part of your advertising activities. Everybody starts with Facebook to create ads and then move to other, currently more attractive and effective social networks (Instagram or LinkedIn) for this purpose.
If you look a little at the statistics that show from which device most people saw your Facebook ad and clicked on it, you’ll easily see that the vast majority did it via mobile phone.
When they click on the ad, they come to your website, and there – they are welcomed by what? By an attractive design and easy navigation or relentless scrolling left-right and up-down in a tiny font with which they need a lot of luck to find anything?
In other words, does the customer stay or make a headlong run for the exit from your web pages?
Analytics on the Website Itself
You can also access analytics from your website’s management console which will tell you where your visitors are coming from. If you lack knowledge of how to get this information, you can ask the administrator of your website or the person who made the website for you (there’s no need to pay them anything extra).
Whichever way you choose, the conclusion will be the same: Most visitors to your website come via mobile phone. Period.
5 Crucial Reasons to Make a Responsive Website
1. The Flourishing of the Use of Mobile Phones and Tablets
Globally, 48 % of website traffic is made by mobile phone visits. We’re witnessing the expansion of the use of mobile phones.
Statistics show that at least 17 % of Google searches come via mobile phones and that 25 % of people use the Internet exclusively in this way. Also, more than 55 % of the time spent on social media was via mobile phone or tablet.
2. Good User Experience
In case you don’t have a responsive website, and users come via mobile phone and struggle with viewing the content, there’s a 53 % chance that they will leave it immediately. That’s really a lot and this way you take a big risk upon your business.
On the other hand, if you give visitors the comfort of a responsive website, the probability that they will become your customers increases by as much as 67 %.
3. Responsive Website Has a Positive Effect on SEO Optimization
Google itself, as the most dominant Internet search engine, recommends that the website should be responsive.
According to Google, a website adapted to mobile phones will have a better ranking in its search results because:
- It provides users with better surfing experience.
- It uses a separate algorithm for Google search, which means that just because your website is well positioned for searches via PC it doesn’t mean it will do just as well for searches via mobile phone.
- It uses the same URL for all search results, as opposed to the different addresses used in a separate mobile version of the website.
4. Faster Website Loading Speed
Responsive websites load much faster on mobile devices than non-responsive websites.
Why do you need a fast responsive website? Simply, if users have to wait a long time for the website to open, it will be followed by their clicking on the “X” at the end of the tab in the search engine and going to the competition that took care of this “little detail”.
5. Responsive Website Is Adaptive and Long Lasting
One of the biggest advantages of responsive websites is that they aren’t set for specific screen sizes but successfully adapt to all sizes.
Keep in mind that mobile phone and tablet manufacturers often change the proportions of the display and deviate from the standard 16:9 ratio. The adaptability of the responsive website relieves you of the hassle of displaying on new devices and ensures that every visitor will have the best possible user experience of your website. And all this regardless of whether users come via computer, laptop, mobile phone, smart TV, smartwatch…
Nothing Without a Responsive Website
The website is a crucial part of any serious business today. If you don’t have a responsive website, you put your business at risk of failure. Let’s put some irony in this: The good news is that you’ve actually already secured a great position for yourself to be overtaken by the competition and be ignored by potential customers.
To put kidding aside, don’t let yourself become a statistical error and just one of many who tried to turn a great idea into a good deal but failed because they didn’t keep up with the trend and market demands.
It’s clear that you want to provide all website visitors with a great experience that will leave them happy, satisfied, and in the mood to leave their money with you and visit the website again. And all this regardless of the screen size of the device through which they came to your website.
That’s why a mobile-friendly website is a must-have item for your business. Invest in what brings you money.