Making a poor choice when selecting a hosting service for a website can negatively impact its performance. Fortunately, future negative effects can be avoided by migrating over to another hosting service; but if care is taken in selecting a hosting service in the first place, performance problems can easily be avoided. Since so much emphasis is placed on quality content and providing a superior UX, selecting a host at times receives inadequate attention. Too few business website owners recognize the important role a hosting service can play in the success of the online portion of their businesses; and that their website’s performance is not fully determined by its design. There are plenty of website hosting companies that offer excellent performance and would like to do business with you, but you should take the time to look into the details of what each has to offer before making a decision. Here is a close look at 5 of the best, plus some tips to help you make the right choice.
SiteGround’s highly reliable, secure and and performance optimised platform guarantees a smooth server performance with 99.9% Uptime. They also offer developer/designer friendly tools like WP-CLI, Staging for WordPress and Joomla, GIT integrations, Automatic WordPress updates, Drush, SSH, FTP and more. By visiting their website, you can check out the performance-enhancing features in detail. Speed: Their servers are extremely efficient and build on the highly elastic Linux Container (LXC) techonlogy. They also run the latest version of Apache, MySQL and the latest technology in speed performance with SSD drives, NGINX and HTTP2. SiteGround’s newest tools include the SG Site Scanner and the SG Optimizer Plugin for WordPress that boost overall website performance with integrated caching, single click HTTPS and the possibility to upgrade to PHP7. Security: SiteGround has created an in-house server monitoring system that is extremely lightweight and can check the server status far more often than standard monitoring systems. It does not only detect current issues and fixes them immediately, but is also able to foresee future problems and to take actions to prevent them. Support: SiteGround’s support agents are always happy to go the extra mile and help both techies and beginners. They are available 24/7 via phone, chat with literally no hold times and the average response time on tickets is 10 minutes.
A2 Hosting has a solution to fit your needs. It can make this statement because it offers a variety of hosting plans. Whether you are operating a small personal site or a blogging website; or your website is a large corporate website that experiences tons of traffic and transactions, there is a hosting option that’s just right for you. Options include shared hosting (the ideal solution for many smaller websites and blogs), reseller hosting, VPS hosting which offers better speed and performance than does shared hosting, or either managed or unmanaged dedicated hosting (ideal for corporate sites). With A2 Hosting, you can expect insanely fast page loading speeds, rock-solid data security, and 99.9% or greater uptime. If you need to transfer over from another hosting service, the A2 team will generally do it for free. You can also rely on the team for rapid response to your questions or issues, 24/7.
Multiple hosting plans are nice, but they are sometimes accompanied by complicated fee structures, or increased fees when the host tells you it’s time for an upgrade. WordPress VIP offers three basic hosting plans; each of which operates on their cloud hosting platform, and each of which has a flat-fee structure. Their hosting services are primarily directed toward high-profile enterprise sites that experience high traffic.
Many website owners find using shared hosting services to work to their advantage. Occasionally, however, the websites may outgrow the performance and capacity capabilities of a shared server, and the hosting service will recommend (or require) that the website be moved over to a VPS service. GlowHost offers a superior solution with its Elastic Sites Platform. This server platform is similar to a VPS platform, but without its server management headaches.
Pagely is the premier web hosting service specially designed for big brands with large WordPress websites and is 100% bootstrapped, to boot. Enterprise level and corporate, government or any heavily trafficked site will find the best technical support staff in the business, along with an impressive technology stack perfect for sites with copious amounts of data requiring a dedicated hosting platform. Smaller business owners or bloggers might look elsewhere. Useful Tips for Selecting a Web Hosting Service Although one or more of the 5 premier hosting services under discussion here would be a great choice for almost any website owner, the following tips are designed to help that website owner make the best possible choice in the shortest amount of time. It’s simply a matter of following these 8 steps:

A2 Hosting

WordPress VIP


Pagely – Premium WordPress Hosting Solutions

- Define what the website is all about, and what your expectations are for it. This is the first step in determining if a hosting service is adequately addressing your websites hosting needs.
- Take a peek into the future, and make a best guess at what you your website’s hosting performance and data capacity requirements are expected to be down the road. This is especially important if you’re managing a business website. If you are meeting your goals for success, you may eventually need to scale up your hosting requirements. Look for a hosting service that allows you to make a smooth transition as that time approaches.
- Look into the hosting service’s customer support promises. If what you find is something less than reliable, lightning-fast support; go elsewhere.
- One way to be certain that a hosting service honors its commitments to its customers, is to read reviews that outline its pros and cons and perceived by its user community
- Don’t base your purchasing decision on pricing alone; especially if you come across a tempting offer. Assume the quality of support you will receive, will roughly corollate with the price you are willing to pay.
- Read the Terms of Service! Doing so is not always fun, but you need to see what the service has say about its refund policies, as well as any automatic upgrades and associated price increases.
- Make sure you understand the hosting service’s backup plan. You never want to put your website or customer data at risk.
- Security breaches seem to have become somewhat commonplace these days, and that includes web hosting services. While most have backup capabilities that adequately protect their client’s, the 5 services discussed here do an exceptional job of data and information protection.