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Vintage halftone photo effect

Want to get an authentic vintage effect on your most cherished photos? Halftone effect is one of the most popular effects used to give photos a retro or vintage look. With some creative right mix of layer effects, blending options, filters, and color adjustments in Photoshop using this mockup template you can achieve the illusion on the photo that looks as if it was printed and kept in the attic decades ago.

Well, you don’t have to go through those steps and spend hours together to achieve the dotted halftone vintage, weathered appearance on your photos. This mockup template of the vintage halftone photo effect is a must-have resource that you can use to create that right dotted halftone effect in Photoshop. You can even play around with the layers and effects and achieve a black-and-white halftone effect or convert the image to halftone for printing. It’s all left to your creativity.

Just add your photo or image in the smart-object layer and save it. You can check the other layers for mixing and matching and adjusting the halftone settings and get the best retro halftone effect for posters and more.

Vintage halftone photo effect
Vintage halftone effect
Vintage halftone effect
Retro halftone photo effect
Retro halftone effect

File Format: PSD
Layers: Smart-Object
Dimensions: 5000×4000 Pixels
File Size: 115 MB

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